
The final prototype could possibly be the answer for a more accessible Deliveroo app. It ticked a few boxes in the guidelines set in the Shaping the Design post. There are challenges in the creation of chatbots. As stated by Connolly (n/a), two of the principles of bot design are “use sparingly” and “provide an…

Design Process

Prototyping After the initial interview with the blind users, some follow up questions were sent via Whatsapp. The replies were often made using the voice message (Figure 1). The number of users contacted for this project is not representative of the overall population but it gave a good indication of where familiarity lies for blind…

Shaping the Design

Designing for the vision impaired Blind users possess an enhanced sense of hearing, smell and touch (Bauer et al., 2017). They also display better cognitive functions, such as language and memory. Their brain rewires to enable them to interact better with the environment. This heightened sense of touch and hearing (Röder et al., 2004) are…

Personas, Tasks and Scenarios

Proto-Personas According to Gothelf (2012), one of the most significant challenges is the persistent gap between stakeholders’ ideas and consumers’ attitudes. An efficient way to keep all involved in the project to think about the client’s perspective is to create Personas. Personas are generally the result of comprehensive user research that creates real representations of a…

The Dark Web: Designing for Vision Impairment

The Dark Web is a group of encrypted networks hidden on the internet. It is hard to find the origin of the content in these networks as they can only be accessed with special software and configurations. The Dark Web can be used for criminal activities, but it also allows journalists and activists in certain…